About Us

About Us

We are a community of the Religious Society of Friends, more commonly known as Quakers, in Eastern Rhode Island. Our community worships at three different Meeting Houses around Rhode Island, but we all gather for business as part of Providence Monthly Meeting. Our Monthly Meeting is part of the larger group of Friends called, New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM).

Meeting for Worship happens every Sunday and we welcome anyone to join us.

  • Please see our locations for exact places and times.
  • If you are curious about what Meeting for Worship is like please see our What to Expect.
  • For more about Quakers, please take a look at The Quaker Way on NEYM’s site.

The Religious Society of Friends has a long tradition of continual revelation. We share this revelation through testimonials.

Through our belief of “that of God in everyone,” the Religious Society of Friends has always had a deep commitment to peace and social justice. Please read about our ministries to learn more.

If you have any additional questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to our clerk at clerk@providencefriends.org. You can also reach out to any of the people listed at Contact Us.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact any of us with questions. General questions about Meeting are best sent to our Presiding Clerk, Rebecca Leuchak, at clerk@providencefriends.org, or to info@providencefriends.org where they will be forwarded to the right person. Issues with the website can be directed to Sam Schifman, at webclerk@providencefriends.org. Presiding Clerk: Ariana…

What to Expect

For those people who have never attended a Friends (Quaker) Meeting before, we want you to know that you are very welcome. We have few rules, preferring to be led by the Spirit, and are always happy to see new faces. Hopefully the answers below will provide you with everything you need to feel comfortable when you arrive, but please reach out…


Providence Monthly Meeting runs entirely on donations. Our community greatly appreciates any contribution to assist in our ministries, both within our Meeting and our greater community. You can use either link below to donate. If you wish to do a targeted donation for a particular purpose, please reach out to our treasure (see Contact Us). Donate through Zelle: Donate…