Estate and Yard Sale!
Estate and Yard Sale! Beautiful furniture, housewares, appliances, cookbooks, artwork, garden tools, and more! Live music, refreshments, and bake sale! All proceeds donated to social justice causes and community charities!
Conanicut New Start Time 9:30 AM (Trial)
Conanicut Friends Meeting(Indulged) is trying a NEW start time for Worship for the next three weeks: June 20,& 27 and July 4 at 9:30 AM instead of the currently listed 10:30 AM. This will allow the small Indulged Meeting to explore if there less noise and disruption along North Main Road into Jamestown at an earlier hour. It is hoped that this might benefit our…
Saylesville Light Year 2020 Display
Young Friends April Retreat
Sexuality, Gender, and Relationships 7:00 p.m. Friday to 12:30 p.m. Sunday At this retreat we will explore the ways our bodies and identities grow and change over time, practice loving who we are right now, and become better prepared for our futures as we continue to transform. We’ll learn the nuts and bolts of what are bodies do and how to care for them, and create…
Living Faith Gathering
Plan now to attend the NEYM’s next Living Faith gathering in Portland, Maine, on April 4. Living Faith gatherings are full-day events for all ages and are intended for deepening worship, growing community, and strengthening witness. See the NEYM website for more information and to register: or speak to Rebecca Leuchak…
Southeast Quarterly Meeting
Have you ever worshiped with Smithfield Friends Meeting in Woonsocket? Our Southeast Quarterly Meeting will be held there on Sunday March 15. Worship begins at 10:00 AM followed by a potluck brunch and then the Quarter’s meeting for business. Details will be sent out electronically but get this on your calendars now! A great chance for inter-visitation and making new…
First Day School Special Event
First Day School Special Event on March 1, in two weeks: As part of the sustainability and stewardship focus of the First Day School this year, we will be having a special event for the kids in grades 2 through 5 on March 1. Megan Hall of our meeting, who hosts a pod-cast for The Public’s Radio titled “Possibly” – (“Where we take on huge questions, like the future of our…
There will be a talk on the Agape Community, a non-violence group.
There will be a talk on March 1 from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM at St. Augustine’s Church on Mount Pleasant Avenue on the Agape Community, a non-violence group celebrating 42 years of existence and activism. Flyers will be on the table downstairs.
JYM Retreat at Woolman Hill
New England Junior Yearly Meeting – for children grades 2 through 6 – will be having its last retreat of the year the weekend of May 15-17 at Woolman Hill in Deerfield MA. These retreats are a wonderful opportunity for our children to spend a weekend with other Quaker kids and adults in an accepting, supportive and fun environment. There are a few flyers on the back table…
A Threshing Session
A threshing session to continue our discernment over the issue of relationship between Friends United Meeting (FUM) and New England Yearly Meeting and individual monthly meetings will be held at rise of Meeting for Worship next Sunday, February 23. The impetus for this was a recent change in NEYM’s response to concerns within the Yearly Meeting about FUM’s personnel…