First Young Friends Retreat of the Year!
Get Ready Here it comes It’s time to break out your sweaters and get ready for the first Young Friends retreat of the year! As you probably have already experienced, fall can fill up so quickly with all sorts of beginnings- of school, sports, and extracurriculars, and it can be easy to get swept away by the season. Remember that it’s also important to pause,…
Potluck lunch at Providence Meetinghouse. Come one come all! Good conversation with Friends/friends Good food -particularly if YOU bring some
Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care Committee has placed a little red box on the table as you enter the worship room. This box is for letting us know that you , or anyone you know, may need an extra bit of TLC. Please write the name (and maybe a bit more) on the slip of paper and place it in the box to let us know how we can help. Thanks!
Quaker Day
Friends are reminded that Friends around the globe will be celebrating World Quaker Day on Sunday, October 6th! On that day, we will have our annual Meeting community photo op and the children will have special activities in First Day School around this year’s theme: “Sustainability: Planting Seeds of Renewal for the World We Love.” It is also our monthly…