We have a number or resources available to Friends. While most of these resources are aimed at our community, you are more than welcome to look around.
Additionally, Communications Committee maintains the Meeting Archives, a digital collection of documents related to the life of our Meeting that includes minutes of committee meetings, minutes of Meeting for Business, newsletters, reports from our treasurer, State of the Society reports, directories, handbooks, and contracts. Files from the Archives can be made available for research purposes on request to the presiding clerk, clerk@providencefriends.org, or clerk of Communications Committee, info@providencefriends.org.
Meeting Documents
Here you can find some of the documents that are useful to the community. To read them you will need to download Adobe Reader. Providence Friends Meeting Handbook 2021 Reimbursement Form Items from the Meeting Archives can be made available for research purposes. Send your request to the presiding clerk, clerk@providencefriends.org.
Provident Friend (newsletters)
Providence Meeting publishes a monthly newsletter. This page lists the archives of those newsletters. If you would like to receive this newsletter via e-mail, please contact at communications@providencefriends.org. For submissions to the newsletter please email: providentfriend@providencefriends.org Older newsletters can be found by clicking here.
Newsletters from before 2023
Newsletters published in 2023 and after can be found by clicking here. Providence Meeting publishes a monthly newsletter. This page lists the archives of those newsletters. If you would like to receive this newsletter via e-mail, please contact at communications@providencefriends.org. For submissions to the newsletter please email: providentfriend@providencefriends.org…